The Finest in Daycare
Trying to find the perfect daycare in the Portland area can be a daunting task. Even the decision to go back to work can come into question while researching your childcare options.
In 1997, My Bundle of Joy was created with the clear intention of being unique and unrivaled in its field. The care of infants and toddlers is a specialized service and requires a certain understanding and temperament. The way in which these little ones are handled directly affects the perception they have of themselves and in turn, how they view others. The first two years of a child’s life are the most important; they shape his or her future. Click here to read what parents have to say about their experience with My Bundle of Joy.
We invite you to peruse our site, check out our four Portland locations, apply to be scheduled for a tour, and see for yourself what makes My Bundle of Joy so special. We wish you the very best in your search for the perfect match in childcare, for your little bundle of joy.